Every now and then I will see an instagram post, or a blog from a high profile Jiu-Jitsu site headlining some variation of:
“5 Ways To Know You’re BJJ Gym Is A Cult”
“If Your BJJ Gym Does, This It’s A Cult.”
And some of their points are (in my opinion) are spot on.
Example 1: The coach is above reproach and nobody can approach him/her?
Yeh I’m not down for that.
Example 2: Bowing to a picture of a dead guy before stepping on the mat? (Helios Gracie)
I’m also not down for that.
But other points they call “Cultish”…..I would have to disagree with.
One in particular is: "Schools that make you wear their colors/brand are a cult!"
Let’s go into this.
1. Why did you join a BJJ academy?
We’ve seen hundreds of members come through our doors over the years and the top reasons adults trains usually hovers around 3-4 main things
- Get In Shape
- Increase discipline
- Join a community
- Learn self defense
So here is my question…..did your gym establish the “Uniform Policy” ahead of time and make it clear?
If so, whats the issue?
You going for the “Best Dressed” award at class?
Does this uniform effect your ability to get out why you started?
Is the uniform 2-3x the average market price?
If the answer to any of these questions is “NO”…..then let it go Elsa.
Or quit and go train somewhere else….but thats a pretty petty reason to leave gym that is otherwise meeting all your needs IMO.
2. "I’m A Paying Customer I Can Wear What I Want"
This is my PERSONAL favorite!!!!!
I’ve read HUNDREDS of comments online from people who will use arguments like this.
They all reveal extreme naivety of the Business World.
Imagine if you will……walking into a prestigious Gold Club wearing a wife beater, JnCo Jeans and flip flops for their Sunday brunch.
How long do you think you’ll be eyeing up the Eggs Benedict before “Vito" comes over and politely says:
“I’m sorry sir, but we have a dress code here. I will either need you to change or leave the premises.”
Is your clapback going to be: “I’m A Paying Customer”.
Of course not. (At least I would hope not)
Now……listen carefully.
This is important.
Business Owners (i.e. BJJ Gym Owners) in America are allowed to operate their academy virtually however they d**n well please...provided its within the confines of the law.
So if they have a uniform policy….and you want to “Fight the man” over your personal expression of wardrobe….they are fully within their right to choose not to do business with you.
Furthermore……learning Jiu-Jitsu under a Coach is not like ordering a Venti Cold Foam Latte from Starbucks.
Who on Earth would want such a transactional experience from a gym? Nobody.
Training BJJ is a coach/student relationship.
So do us all a favor and drop the “Paying customer” line……Ricky.
3. Are you on a team or not?
Point out ONE professional sports team that goes out to play in “whatever they feel”.
When was the last time you saw the Lakers run on the court in mix-matched clothes looking like “The Breakfast Club” on hardwood?
I’ve trained in a lot of different gyms….and there is something noticeable and impressive about a solid team uniform.
So when you join a BJJ academy…..you should know. You’re joining a team, and you’re agreeing to be held to the standards the coach has set forth for that team.
In your uniform.
In your effort.
In your attitude.
See You On The Mats
David Fox