This is a great question! 😊
Theoretically you don’t need to have any training experience to enter a Jiu-Jitsu competition.
You could simply visit the organization's website, pay the entry fee, show up and get wrecked. 💥 😯
A better question is "How much grappling experience do I need before I can feel prepared for my first Jiu-Jitsu tournament." 💡
And Metro Jiu-Jitsu we recommend three months.
Now, the nature of the white belt is you COULD end up across from someone in your brackets who has been training Jiu-Jitsu for 12 months, and also wrestled throughout high school. Pack a lunch, you're in for a long match. 🥙
But if you wait until you are good enough to dominate every white belt in your division, you are likely about to earn your blue belt and the process will start over. 💙
One of our core values at Metro Jiu-Jitsu is “GROWTH”.
Mental. 🧠
Physical. 💪
And Spiritual. 🙏
So an amazing follow-up question would be "Why do I want to compete?"
If the answer is to post a sexy picture of your $3 medal online.....than simply wait 1.5-2 years to enter your first white belt tournament and you should do well. 😆
But if the answer is to challenge yourself mentally and physically while supporting the rest of your team, that answer changes.
Which is why we recommend the "3 Month" Benchmark.
See you on the mats,
Coach David